Sunday, March 11, 2007

true l o v e

i was just reading an email... talking bout true love. and i quote...

" true love puts up with a lot from ppl, just as God does. it bears hurt in silence, conceals injuries as much as possible "

so judging from what the author said. does it mean that we dont tell the person that he/she has hurt us? are we suppose to bear the hurt in silence? and keep the hurt inside of us as much as possible? are we suppose to do that? but but but.... i thought it's good to bring it out so that the other party would know what one has done wrong or whether one has hurt another? then the other person would know that by doing or saying such things would hurt. so what now? what does it mean? im confused....!

* love does not give up on ppl *

endure - not just to bear with ppl on occasions, but to put up with ppl always, despite all their aberrations and vagaries.

love - bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endure all things - all the time!

when our schedules overload, we start skimming - cutting back on giving time, energy, and attention that loving relationships require. what's most important to us is replaced by what's most urgent. when life on earth is ending, we dont surround ourselves with objects. what we want around us is ppl - ppl we love and have relationships with.

in our final moments, we all realize that relationships are what life is all about. why then wait till we're on our deathbed to figure out that nothing matters more than a loving relationship?


Yian said...

what if the other person hasn't done anything wrong, but you are hurt? i mean, the thing that the person actually did, is not wrong. but it still hurt you? should you keep quiet?

uncle philip said we need to be totally honest with one another. when we are hurt, we need to say. is this black and white? all the time?

because sometimes my way of loving someone is to keep it inside, rather than bringing it up into an argument which makes things worst. but i don't know whether it's the right way lah.

this is an interesting post. my colleague is having probs with his wife and then he is always working, even into late at night and on the weekends. i told is about relationships. relationships bring meaning to life. your work doesn't bring meaning to life. it is just a responsibility to make a living. do you think this is true?

but if we tried to live each day as if we were going to die tomorrow, then we would not survive either. like, if i was going to die tomorrow, i'd be spending time with friends now and not working. but because i'm most probably not going to die tomorrow, i can't do that.

is life easier when there's a clock ticking and you know you are going to die in 3 months time? is it easier to die like that, because you are able to do what you want to do before you die? or is it easier to just die suddenly? then you wud have a lot of regrets huh...

so what is the balance?

:P long comment, huh. hehe, don't mind me, just babbling on and on because i don't feel like doing my work haha...

esther said...

hmmmm.. i would have been the same as u. just shutting up, keeping it all inside. but thank God for kevin. he would prefer me to tell him. although im not used to telling it out. but day by day im learning. learning to speak out. mostly to him only la. haha

i think it's quite true when u say that cuz u know u most probably wont die tmr that's why u cant always spend time with family and friends.

i think it's easier to hear the clock ticking. that way u can treasure the time that u have left.

Yian said...

but to hear the clock ticking, can you still find real joy, when you know your clock is ticking?

esther said...

hmmm.. true true. very good question. sigh. now i dont know. i guess we can have joy but sometimes u might be too busy counting down the days that u dont look for the joy that u should have.

wow. didnt know i could come up with such nonsense. hahaha. dont know whether i even understand what i said myself. ahaha

Yian said...

lol. and i'm nonsensing with you :P

esther said...

hahahahah!!! lalalala. we're silly ppl. only we understand what nonsense we're talking to each other. ahhaa