Tuesday, January 23, 2007

time management

well well well....
i feel like there's so many things piling up! i need some wisdom in managing my time. here's a few items that is due by this week

  1. stick double-sided tape behind stars for the cradle rolls attendance
  2. do research for english
  3. do my accounts homework
  4. prepare for my lesson this sunday
  5. arrange my notes

arghhh!!! how la how la. i dont know what subject i wanna do for my english presentation and i know nuts bout my accounts and im not very good in teaching the babies. sigh. this is bad. if i cant even teach a bunch of babies... how can i teach kindergarten kids next time????

i know whatever im suppose to finish up by this week is gonna be quite easy for some of u.. but it's not for me at all!!!!! it's gonna be so so hard! sighhhhhh. i know i know. i shouldnt be so negative. i should be positive and tell myself that i can do it with God's strength. but but but.... sighh =(

today i was sitting in my accounts class and i was talking to myself. ahhaa. i looked around me. at my surroundings and at my friends and even when i was walking towards college. i cant believe it that im in college. before this im like bumming around and playing a fool. but now im actually studying again. no more playing around, no more "free time". like i have classes during vbs man! i cant go for vbs!!! argh!

then now.... i gotta learn ways to study again. how to manage my time well. trust me... during my homeschooling, i've never learnt time management. before this, time management wasnt even in my vocab. sigh. i dont know how am i gonna cope with exams, assignments, research, presentations, etc etc.

tmr im gonna have a short quiz for math and im suppose to be starting with my research for a 4-page article to be summarized and be fitted into a 20 minute presentation. and this is individual presentation u know. a freaking whole 20 minutess!!! im already starting to think of what nonsense im gonna talk bout. sighhh!!!

anyway... gotta go get ready now. gonna go have dinner with the 5 chee mui's. nat, kim, st, eden, and me. long time since we've been able to sit down and hang out just the 5 of us. sigh! but i can only escape my worries for a while. by the time i come home to my room..... i'll be surrounded by worries again! but im not gonna let it ruin my night!

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