Wednesday, January 31, 2007


yes... that's the name of the chinese series im chasing after now. should watch it. it's on 8tv from 7-8 pm everyday.

anywaysss.. the girl in the show. name is zhao shen shen. she's mute. so one part of the scene, one of the lady was saying something mean bout why she doesnt like kids. then shen shen was thinking... why do ppl who can speak, do not speak of nice things?

that made me wonder. yeah, it's very true. to me.... im the kind of person that if im hurt by one, i tend to say something hurting back to one. sigh. that's exactly what i've been praying for. been praying that i'll think before i say or act.

so happen... this morning as i was doing my QT, it was talking bout learning from my mistakes. wahh.. seriously!!! bahsss.. real challenge. i seriously felt like the fool that God was talking bout in proverbs.

FOOL in Hebrew means

a person who never learns. they dont think through the consequences of their actions

as they walk near a cliff, they dont sense the danger or consider what will happen if they fall. only when they're broken at the bottom of the cliff do they start thinking about how to fix it.

im gonna end here by saying this and also asking God to help me be a
wise person
a person who learns from mistakes
who thinks through the consequences
who senses the danger or consider what will happen before i fall and am broken at the bottom

* let every choice u make, every place u go, every relationship u nourish and develop be an intentional pursuit of God's best and what is good for u and for those u love *

wisdom is the ability to choose the best, most God-honoring course of action in any situation

have a great and wonderful holiday =)
God bless

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