Friday, January 05, 2007

last day of orientation.. which is also no 2

sorry forgot to update bout the 2nd day. but i have nothing much except complains. what happen was that i was suppose to have orientation from 10-12 only! then after that i can run off (or maybe drive off) to find kevin for lunch..then come back cuz han lian needed the car... then wait for night to come for kevin to come over for dinner then watch movie NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM. but noooooooo!!! the orientation ended at 11 then the lecturer said that there'll be a departmental meeting at 1-2 pm. note : 1 - 2 PM! one whole hour! and it was compulsory and that ATTENDANCE will be taken. another note : notice the caps on the word attendance? explain later =)

so my friend & i tried to settle our bm stuff. cuz we did homeschooling. so hopefully we're able appeal for the foreign bm. but the ppl were taking too long to tell us what we should do. so i drove home to pass the car back cuz i thought i wont be able to be in time for han lian to use the car and so on so forth. too lazy to explain the whole thing. but the main points is that i couldnt find kevin for lunch, have to rush home, rest for a while, then rush back to college. so i reached back in college at the dot of 1. went to find the lecture hall with my friends. got lost for a moment trying to find the place. then u know what???? we sat there, listening to a repetition of things being said during the 1st day & the morning orientation for only 10-15 mins!!!!! can u believe it????

i did all the rushing just for 10-15 mins of nonsense? of redundant repetition of themselves? dont we all know the importance of attendance and consequences already???? the most important question is whether they are tired of repeating themselves over and over again. seriouslyyyy!!! they didnt even take ATTENDANCE! and they said they wanted to talk bout activities and all for our program. but noooo!!! nothing bout activities whatsoever. unless u consider exams and attendance as activities. felt like killing them!! arghh!! oh wait wait. now i remember. they told us bout some pre-u dinner in sunway hotel. but that took like what.... 5 mins??? i dont even think it was 5 mins! so had to wait for kevin to come. thank God i had friends to wait with for a while till they had to leave then i was left alone. but thank God for handphones that is equipped with mp3 & games. so managed to occupy myself before kevin came.

ugh! the 2nd day of orientation was seriously horrid


YANZ said...

wow... tht sounded like delz's kinda post... =P

esther said...

what?? serious?? where got la. haha

esther said...
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