Sunday, January 28, 2007

summary presentation no 2

here's my continuation to my attempt of finding a 4 page article for my summary presentation. im currently deciding on my topics. what i want to write about. as i was sitting in front of my comp, trying to think of topics and whatever that sounds interesting to me. the words "celebrity marriage" came into my mind. cuz for years... ever since i learnt bout the constant break-ups and multiple divorces that celebrities go through... i began to wonder what is in their minds. if they're are counting the days till they get divorced, why then do they get married in the first place?

what i feel so mind boggling bout is that isnt marriage supposed to be eternal, forever, 2 lovers sharing the same bond, 2 hearts coming together to become one, etc etc. u get the gist. marriage is suppose to be a sacred thing, a holy matrimony, a precious promise that u have with a certain someone that is meant to be kept forever. no matter how hard the going goes, one should try to keep the passion that one once had for each other.

and doesnt the vows mean a thing? it isnt just a few sentence of nonsense that u say to each other. it is suppose to come straight from the heart. a promise or a pledge that u'll stick to the one u love through thick and thin. it's really sad to hear when couple's decide to end their marriages. some is giving up even after years of being together. hearing all the things that they're willing to do for each other, all the money that they're willing to spend for each other are just waiting to be thrown down the drain

1 comment:

YANZ said...'s the assignment coming along?

in the end, i guess its not abt how grand the wedding was, how many flowers, how many guests there were... though its every girls dream, and every celebrity can afford it... but they've forgotten one thing about love, that its never ending, always forgiving... like the love of God. Something that I hope I can achieve always ;)