Wednesday, April 06, 2005

but why?

im still wondering. u know me and my thinking. why in the first place did he get close to me? and call me everyday. sms me everyday. ask me to go out everyday. and then now. all of a sudden. no calls/sms-es from him. nothing. i hear nothing from him. he treating me like this now makes me feel like i was used. like i was a stand-by person when the other girl he likes is not free or something. i was just thinking just now. throughout this few months of me being close to him, most of the time he calls me often is cuz he needs someone to listen to him. every single time he will be the one talking and complaining bout his depression and everything and when i want to say something. he wont listen or couldnt even care bout what im saying. like that day after the undang when we were walking to the car. i said im going to malacca later. he like didnt listen and continue talking and talking. then when i was on the way to malacca.. he called me and ask me where am i. i said im on the way to malacca. he was like. why u didnt tell??!! i was like i told u okay.. u just didnt listen and shrug it off. ish ish. and i felt so dumb to even let him let go his anger on me. i cant believe it that i even ignored the fact that he was so rude to me. there was once i was in the car with jared. then he called me. so i talked for a while la. then he asked me where i was going. i said got family dinner. then he said why always also got family dinner one. then i said cuz my uncle's from u.s came back.. (like harloooo! i told u!) then he was like what's their problem?! at that time when i heard that i dont know why. but i just keep telling myself "nahhh. he's just joking and everything." but things seem to have gotten worse after that. he started to be more and more rude to me. i felt like i dont know him anymore. like he has changed so so so much. i cant believe that i even thought that me and him had a possibility of getting back together when we're older. i just cant believe it that i even THOUGHT of it! oh my goodness! well, i wish good luck and all the best to the girl who likes him and vice versa. hope that he changes before he hurts any other girl.

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