Friday, October 06, 2006


what does love means to u?
what comes to ur mind when someone mentions the word love?

sometimes we have the wrong idea of love

like in the media
the romantic movies

indirectly ur putting expectations in ur partner
like one should act this way
one should be that way
one should speak like that

but in reality

how many ppl would be like those in the movies
knows exactly what to do

knows exactly what to say
knows exactly how to act

a relationship takes effort
love is not always lovey dovey
it's not as simple as it seems
the good and bad makes up the whole package
u cant just ask for the good

the bad will come along with it

love changes a person
there's something that i read in justina's bible that i really love

it goes something like

love... u cant bottle it, cant touch it, or even see it
but who among us would argue that love isnt real?

it makes sane ppl do and say crazy things
it prompts snobby, selfish ppl to do noble things

it turns boring ppl into exciting, unpredictable creatures,

what else on earth has that kind of power?

it can hurt like nothing else in the
and yet, not loving is much more painful

the most talked about, sung-about, and thought-about theme in all the world
and also the most miunderstood

it's so true
when ur single... u wish ur attached
when ur attached... u wish ur not

not to say im wishing that im not attached
im just saying la

i really do love kevin

i love him so much that i wish i can be with him always
i want to go through life hand-in-hand with him
he has really changed me
he made me be completely honest with him
he made me wanna talk out all our problems

i wasnt like that last time.. used to keep all my feelings inside

though it's kinda hard to love his weaknesses
it's kinda hard to love the bad times
it's kinda hard to love the not-so-lovable part of him
but im sure he doesnt love my weaknesses

doesnt love the bad times
doesnt love the not-so-lovable part of me

it's cuz of God that we're able to love
it's cuz of Him that we're able to accept one another
it is by God's unconditional love... that we can love one another

day by day
i believe that God is shaping us into the person we're suppose to be

into the 2 people that fits perfectly together
like a jigsaw
He's slowly shaping and cutting off the sides
i guess that's where all the arguments, misunderstandings, and exasperations comes in

at the end of the day

i thank God
for bringing kevin and i together
for blessing us with this relationship
for showing us love so that we can love each other
for the times that we're able to spend together

no matter how we feel bout each other
good or bad
happy or sad
crazy or angry
jolly jolly or exasperated

i will still love u

even if we dont have much time to spend together
even if we have alot of time spent together
even if it was just a phone call
even if it was just an sms
i will still love u

though u cant literally be my knight in shining armor
and im not a princess in a dungeon waiting to be rescued
i will still love u

but heyyy.. u can be my leng chai in blazer *winks*

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