Wednesday, February 28, 2007

malaysian studies exam

as u can see... the title says it all. sigh. prayer request. i know it's a bit too late. but pls pray for me as im sitting for my exam tmr evening from 3-5 pm. sigh. i have no idea whatsoever bout malaysian history. and having an exam bout it tmr makes it even worse. whenever the lecturer teach, my mind goes blank. nothing goes in. what i hear is a buzzing sound of i-dont-know-what. haha

at least my friend gave me some tips which one of my lecturer gave out. hopefully im able to answer some questions. hopefully whatever i study tonight will stay in my head. dont ask me why im blogging when im suppose to be studying at this moment... but but but... i gotta express my problems. pls pray for me! i need loads of prayer!

even for my presentation.. i'll explain more but till now.. i should be having malaysian studies in my mind only. says the boyfriend. seeeee... i listen to u right??? hahaa.. okay okay. now i'll go study before he kills me.


YANZ said...

keepin u in prayer *hugs*

esther said...

thanks kai cheh for the prayers =)