Tuesday, February 13, 2007


watching heroes has made me wish sometimes i have some of the super special powers too. but on the other hand, having powers have the pros and cons that comes along with it. sigh

sometimes i wish one could read my mind
i wish that what i want would come true
come to think bout it
listing my wishes will be too long
and all of my wishes are sometimes a tad bit too ridiculous
something that i think will never happen
guess that's why it's called wishes huh
unless maybe, maybe God will plan for 1 or 2 of it to happen

so what do i choose now
how do i choose
whatever i choose has its consequences
and sometimes whatever i choose is something selfish
so in the end...
it ends up to the very first question.....
what do i choose

Holy Spirit...
pls come and help me
help me to know what to choose
and how do i choose it
help me to be the person that God wants me to be

help me to take in whatever good things that comes
and to learn from whatever mistakes
dont let me realize what i've done wrong only when im broken into pieces after falling off the cliff

God, i pray and ask for Ur love
the love that no one can understand or should question
but doing a simple thing such as accepting it
Ur unconditional love

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