Sunday, July 01, 2007

late late post

have been quite lazy to come online esp on msn =) guess im not that addicted to blogging and msning huh?

so anyways....
let me concentrate on what i wanna write bout. i made this really really late anniversary present for kevin. i had so much things that i wanted to do. like a whole list that i wanted to get or make for him but i couldnt make it come true due to some unforeseen circumstances. and the week that i wanted to bake for him.... i fell sick. well, not VERY sick. but didnt feel my healthy self. so i gave it to him bout a few days late. haha

gotta give some credit to my mum cuz she helped me with the words. i could have never done such a great job without her. it's been a while since i've baked with her. i used to bake with her when i was young. actually, more like me doing the minor jobs and she was doing most of it. afraid that i might ruin it. hehe. it was fun time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi all