Sunday, October 02, 2005


is this new skin nice? i kind of give up on the old one. i love the old one.. its just that it's very hard with the fonts and all. getting irritated diii. haha. so decided to change to one that is not so complicated. haha.

well, i have nothing much to update. nothing extraordinary is going on with my life right. i think la. at the moment i have nothing much to say. ehehe. oh yeah oh yeah. i just dyed my hair today. i was suppose to do it in 1u. cuz they have this promotion thingy. so they are doing it for free if u buy 2 boxes of dye. but the thing is that only 1 person can do it. so i was supposed to do it there. but when saturday came, i was too shy. i mean harloooo. they're having the promotion at the center of the mall u know. do u think im that crazy??? haha. so i let my mum to go there and do and she did it for me today. shucks! i hope my school dont notice. cuz last time i dyed a lighter color than this current one but its only like highlights. but now its like the whole head. shucks! i hope my teacher's dont notice. haha. but as i look at it more often. it looks quite natural la. but hahaha. do u think my teacher's have eye problem? lol.

im still trying really hard to move on. but its not working. i dont know why la. maybe im thinking too much or something. sheesh. dont know laa. trying to stop myself from thinking too much. dont want to be sad anymore. sometimes i feel no matter how much i scream and shout. i dont think anyone can hear my cry. i dont think anyone can feel my pain. besides God la. haha. but knowing that God knows is good enough for me. cuz He can do everything and man can fail us. we shouldnt depend on man too much cuz they can fail us. but God will never ever fail us. He'll have faith even when we are faithless. i really wish i have a child-like faith. it's so simple. i wish i dont need to doubt or have the unworthy feeling. that really sucks!

i went to watch the cave with my friends(miss them sooo much!). warning: DO NOT WATCH THE CAVE! i never thought of watching it actually. but when we all decided to watch the cave. i dont know what has gotten into uss. haha. it really really sucked. like no other movie has ever sucked that much. i almost fell asleep u know. thank God eden was there with me. me and her was like laughing at the movie and insulting and all. the show is like darn darn darn waste of time and money. but it's okay. as long as i manage to meet up with my long lost friends and catch up with them. have a laugh with them which i had never laugh that much for such a long long time. i certainly enjoyed their company. always & forever! hehe.


* j * said...

i actually prefer this =) it's sweeter. simple & sweet.

esther said...

hahaha.. ohhh like me ehh.. except the simple part.. im sweet & innocent. hehehee.