Tuesday, November 23, 2004

happiness taken away in a blink of an eye

sometimes i do not understand why life can bring u up one minute and in a blink of an eye... u'll feel like u have been kicked down from cloud 9 to the hardest and most painful feeling in the world... but thank goodness for family and friends who are there to cheer u up and to understand ur feelings at this moment... u dont feel like a flower quickly fading, or ur here today and gone tomorrow, or a wave tossed in the ocean, or a vapor in the wind... but instead u can rejoice in the Lord and think of good good stuff instead of making urself worse huh... but sometimes i dunno why... u can just be SO DARN HAPPY in a minute... then before u can take it all in... something will just come ur way and make u feel the downest u can ever feel... i just dont understand why.. aihh... why? why? why? or isit my decision that makes me feel that way? if i didnt choose to be there at that moment.. if i didnt choose to think and feel this way... i wont be feeling this horrible right now... right? but oh well... all i know is that God i musnt blame God for this... cuz i know He will always be there for me... not taking His eyes away from me... i agree with what justina post in her blog... she said that all this while... we have grown up believing that there will be a happily ever after, a knight in shining armor, a ROMANTIC fairytale... but after all the things that i have gone through... reality has finally slapped me in the face... all this things that i've grown up with... all the things that i've seen in romance shows... is NEVER NEVER EVER EVER gonna happen in real life... unless u and ur partner are pretending larh... otherwise... there is no such thing... so i shall cast all my cares on God... and let Him just take over my life... my decisions... my everything.. i really hope to learn how to just let go of everything.. and just let HIM *the wonderful father up there* control everything... hmmmm... maybe that should be my question for camp huh... set my goal for camp... great goal!!! ahhhh... thanks God!


Jared's said...

'Happiness' may be taken away but JOY remains... Do remember that the Joy of the Lord is your strength. Itz almost impossible to be happy all the time, and i do empathise with u during instances you can be happy in a second and then wallow in sadness in a split second. Thatz probably becoz of the 'Otter' in me that has my emotions like a rollercoaster sometimes... BUT one thing i've learned over the years of bitter & sweet memories, u can choose to be JOYFUL despite the situation juz by knowing and acknowledging our Father in heaven loves us, our dear family members love us & our 'true' friends love and care for us too! Itz your choice i guess to allow your situations to decide on your perception in life. Reminded again this morning in my QT to be thankful to God for all we have & to tell others of His goodness too! Sometimes itz easier SAID than DONE, i know but we need to make a conscious effort to do it. As we've learnt of the deception of the evil one who seek to rob us of our joy in the Lord... letz make a stand to live for Jesus! to believe what He says of us and not what others say... ;)
Glad 2 know u've got ur Goal for Camp! Do remember to pray for an awesome camp where God will do Marvelous Things in the lives of every camper. :D

Jared's said...

and btw, b4 i forget... dont say never ever to things which havent come to past. u dont need knights and fairytale endings to come true for a 'happily ever after ending'... u juz need to have someone who loves u & someone u love to share your lives together! i'm not perfect and can be 'pesky' too but i do know that no matter what, i will have a 'happily ever after' with my wife no matter how our story ends, simply because God has blessed me with a Wonderful Other Half in Cheryl! That is more than enuf for me to thank God for... u cud too... so remember that fairytales are man-made, look to Heavenly-Tales which He will bring to u in the future... and dont wander about the future, juz Trust & Obey... Him! :D

val said...

*hugz* ur prince charming will appear one day, dear... just leave it to the King! It may not happen exactly like those hollywood love stories (so dont watch too much of those ler), but the feeling will still be just as wonderful. Only one thing tho, don't put your hope in man but in God... trust His choice & in His time!

You'll prob look back one day & remember all the boys you've loved before & thank God you married the one God finally brought to you coz all the rest wudve drove you crazy! Like I'm doing right now... tq-tq-tq Daddy God!!

YANZ said...
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YANZ said...

i think its true... and i quite agree that there really is no such thing as a real knight in shining armor that we grew up dreaming that he'd one day come and rescue us and stuffs.
All the romantic stuffs in the movies, seriously, they hardly ever happen to any of us in real life. There probably are some really sweet guys out there, but they're like one in a million.

I guess we have all been deceiving ourselves, or we have been deceived by all those really nice movies where everything is so sweet and nice... :)

Y'know, after alot of disappointments i figured i should quit watching all those sweet romantic movies for a while, cos they're not gonne help me... :D 'cos then i'd be like, 'i thot thats what my knight in shining armor should be like'... but in reality, there is no such thing, cos no one is perfect.

There is no PERFECT guy for the PERFECT girl. cos both are not perfect. I could like this guy for certain qualities tht he has, but then like another guy for other qualities tht i wish this guy would have but doesn't. Its so crazy, sometimes delz and i joke about how come we cant merge the two kinds of guy together to get the perfect guy of our dreams... hehehe...
But in the end, I think i'll settle for what i have right now, and be happy with it... eh? :D
After all God never said that He ways were our ways, He probably has a better idea of what romance is compared to what our idea of romance is, based on all those movies we watch... and one day, if we trust and love Him first, we can begin to see our partners as His gift to us because He Loves Us and realise what true love is... ;)

Well, i dont have answers to everything in life, i'm still finding out... meanwhile... stay away from those love shows and stories!!! just take me out to watch 'Incredibles', OK? ;)

By the way, I bought a nice book kinda related to this.. if u wanna borrow lemme know lah... ;)