Tuesday, September 06, 2005

most memorable day

i know if justina is reading this..she's gonna kill me. i was just sitting around and chatting with her. and when i look at the clock, i realize today is sept the 6th. and back when i was 14 until now..this date is very very important to me. i treasure this date so much. i sit around and reminiscence bout the very date where someone asked me a very "important" question(well, not as important as proposing) but it was like a turning point in my life. i was so happy that day. i could still remember everything that happened that day...from nervousness to our shyness to commitment to our laughter to holding each other gaze's(instead of watching the movie) to having each other in one's life. i could even remember when we admitted to one another that we love each other. it was like a normal night..chatting nonchalantly and all of a sudden we got into this topic of who likes who and all...and before i knew it. we were confessing to each other that we liked each other...and from then on. it was like walking on cloud 9. during the day time it felt like a dream and during night. it felt like "wow! i was living my dream!" ahaha. that kinda thing. it has been 3-4 years now(dont really know how to count years. like whether u count that year itself. but oh well), and i cant believe that time passed this fast. now we're quite good friends. and im quite glad since i hear many ppl dont get along well after u know....emm...not seeing each other. and i guess those who have read my blogs would know that im still having hope in this relationship in the future. im really praying that God would make our paths cross again u know. u may wonder why i dont want someone better that God has in store for me. well, i dont know tooo. i dont have an answer for u. i guess i can answer that in the future...when i've learnt why i had to go through this and feeling this kind of thing. i guess its really true what they say...that the first love is the deepest. and both of us had invested sooo much in that relationship that we once had. he was the guy who i really thought we would really end up forever. i know it sounds kind of childish. but........sighhh. i dont know la. arghhhh. i better stop thinking bout this before i end up in a depressed mode again. and i definitely do not want that. i've got to learn self control. cuz i dont want to lose something so precious in my life.

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