Wednesday, October 27, 2004

*ur in my mind*

hrmmm... there's like a thousand and one things in my mind like for bout a month... but suddenly i feel that everything has gone... and i dont have any confusions anymore... i guess ill probably follow what eden advised me... that i should just let things be... and just take things slow... although sometimes i would probably like think too much and all... but in the end of it... i just have this feeling that all my thoughts and my confusions are being lifted up to God.. like suddenly i could just breath in deeply and just take one step back from my life and just let God control everything... i feel sooo nice to have this kinda feeling... its like all of a sudden i have a faith to just believe in God...

i like my last msn nick... it says that "since my puny mind is not capable of doing anything wondorous.. i shall commit everything to God" i bet some ppl in the world will agree with me... hehe... sometimes i feel God works in wonderous ways... and u know in the Bible it says that in every circumstances give thanks... but tell me... how many ppl in the world can do that... unless that person is really strong in the Lord... and that person is prolly 1 of 10 ppl in the world... lolz...
life is just a journey which is like continuous learning... which u can NEVER EVER escape... lolz... and ur learning can be more exciting with God... i know sometimes its hard to put God in our everyday life... that's a struggle to me to i would say... but it takes effort to ask Him to guide us... to ask Him for help... to turn to Him in times of trouble/trial/problems/happiness or whatever...

girls... have u ever tried to understand guys? and i bet the guys are asking the opposite question.. hehe.. through my 1 month experience... i found out.. like literally found out... that U CANT UNDERSTAND GUYS AND VICE VERSA... i guess u just have to really put God in the center of ur relationship... i mean.. really... when im talking bout this... all the thoughts is starting to get into my poor mind... thinking over and over... until i have dreams that is sometimes discouraging... cuz i feel that it'll never happen... if i have told u, u would know what kinda dreams im talking bout... and please.... do not think gross... haha... lolz...

last night at prayer meeting... it was soo awesome... as usual... hehe... really could feel the presence of God... really need God's touch in my life... like seriously... and after that... aww mann... its been a long long LONG time since i've gone crazy with my crazy bunch of friendsor even laughed till my stomach ache really badly... hehe ... really missed every single part of it... haha... and esp. when me, kim, and tm were talking bout keeping in touch even after we leave school.... sighhh.. its really a dread thinking bout the time we're gonna leave school... and continue on with our journey of life... i really hope and pray that we all will still be close and have a really strong friendship... like seriously... cuz they are the ones who were with me for bout 4 years.. and we have really grown together.. watched each other change and all... for the better of course and more Godly... hehe...

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