Saturday, November 12, 2005

missing the conference

i woke up today. feeling so lonely and missing the conference. it just passed by super fast. like now im thinking what we might be doing if we're in the conference. i miss the conference SOOO much. not just the music, not just the sermons...but i miss the moments, the memories, the closeness to God and of course i miss my friends. cuz i seldom get to see them. we're all like so busy and all. many things are happening in each of our lives. i miss going crazy with them. doing silly things. i wouldn't trade their friendship for anything.

but i tell u that now i feel closer to God. i hope this is not for the moment kind of thing. which is very common in my life. i dont want this passion to end. but on the other hand, i keep letting satan to put a foot in my life. i've learn that i should learn to stand up and not let satan to pacify(or however u spell it) me. i dont want him to give me the fake one and keep me away from the real thing which is God and His love and His promises. this conference has really taught me alot of things. i've learn to worship God more, keep Him connected in my life, and staying strong for God. i made this connection with God that made me feel like i dont want to depart from His presence. He gives the peace that makes u feel whole and worthy to be loved.

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