i've sat the lrt this week more than i've sat in my entire life. i've never imagined myself sitting the train just like any normal people. i would always choose a car rather than the train. however, if it's an adventure..... im up for it! =) actually... it depends on who i sit it with la. i dont always sit the train with random people u know. hahaa. sorry. it's late and if i dont blog bout it now.... im afraid i wont have time.we went to the pavillion on tuesday. it was his way of helping me to celebrate my merdeka day. i had a great time my darling. really really fun! doing all the silly things on the train. we entertained them well. we should have collected money from them huh? sheesh. wasted. bahs.
then we went down to kl on thursday for a whole different purpose. i'll let u have a wild guess......
it involves a tie and a dress shirt, slacks and dress shoes. the mood is serious and nerve wrecking.
guessed it???yeah well.. being a GREAT girlfriend i am. i decided to give him some entertainment and decided to teman him down to kl. risking my passion for aircond and my "fair" skin. seriously... i told him if i got darker i'll so kill him. so anyway..... off we went for his "interview" as an intern...

what more do we need other than a picture to capture the start of the fun journey
besides, we need a picture where we're not sweating like pigs to keep as memory

in the train
i know.. the lighting is not good. oh wells
when we've finally reached masjid jamek station as we were told by his cousin. we walked out of the station and just practically stared at our surroundings because we have no idea where we were and all i could remember was the burger king at our right. i remembered that was one on the stops we had during the amazing race. so anyway..... there we were.... looking at all the sign boards which was of no help. looked at everyone walking here and there. drivers who are like uncontrolled maniacs. and at the same time..... the sun was showing no mercy at all
we were walking and walking and walking non stop. i felt like my legs were going to break off. i was so pissed at him cuz he wouldnt stop to ask for directions. u know.... man and their ego's? thinking that they will figure it out and that they dont need the help of others. seriously.... at that moment... with the sun scorching, there is no room for male ego.
so we were suppose to find CIMB and have it to our left. so we found CIMB.... but it was on our right. so i said we should turn around and walk. then he said if we were at the other side of CIMB, it'll still be on our left. so fine... didnt wanna argue with him and decided to follow him. silently i was hoping he was wrong so that i could kill him after.
finally.... he gave in to my constant complains and decided to ask non other than the car park attendant. i was at the verge of screaming!!!!! i mean.... no offense to car park attendants. but but but...... seriously. directions from car park attendants??? bahs. ugh. scream. slap. whack. bang.
then we ask this uncle getting off his bike. and he told us to go straight and then turn right. i was like going to burst di. so off we went.... we walked straight and then i was like... emmm, when do we turn right? there's too many right turnings here. so i said let's just turn right here. so we turned into this dodgy indian place. filled with indians. awww man. im so going to get killed after i write this post. first is car park attendants now indians. people might think that im prejudice. so anyways....
so we walked and walked and decided to go back to CIMB bank. then we found this staff outside smoking and we asked him. then he said it's really far away from the bank and suggested that we get a cab. but HEEEEE didnt wanna get a cab. so we had to find maybank and it's behind it. so guess what? we continued walking...
then we couldnt find a way to get behind maybank. then we stopped this lady and asked her. then she told us it's a brown building and told us where we should walk and stuff. and all the while we were finding for a pinkish building because......!!!!!! kevin's cousin told us that BURSA whatever is a pinkish building. sheesh. i was freaking pissed off by then. i told kevin that if the company do not have a full blast aircond, im so going to kill him.
so thank God... we managed to find the building. and it was really nice. the toilets were amazingly clean. the atmosphere was really nice. they even have a multipurpose court and squash courts. cool eh?! so we went and clean up. tidy up. kevin wore his tie. then off we went and get directions to where the office is.

here we are... sitting opposite a library.
waiting for time to pass by a little
we arrived earlier
the "interview" was at 5
we were there by 4 plus

we sat and pray
commit things to God

this is the reception area
as u walk in, u'll pass the reception area on ur right
this is where we sat while we waited and watched tv
opposite this red cushion, is this really nice and comfy sofa

when ur at the front glass door
u get to see this really huge sign
he fell in love with this sign
we were thinking of ways to take a picture of him with this huge sign

then u turn right and there's this small cozy pantry
they have this nescafe machine
we loved one of the drinks there
it's called choco-chino
super yummy!

so we sat and waited

he was patiently waiting

and i was pissed off
remember i said the "interview" was at 5?
we went in at 4.25
we waited till 6 something
we waited for 2 hours plus
close to 3

i didnt even know what channel was it
didnt even knew it existed

he managed to take a picture with it

forced him to do it
i was so bored and pissed till i didnt care bout how silly we were
so at about 6.40 something, close to 7, the guy called him in and talked to him. guess how long it lasted?? 10 minutes....? it was so damn fast. he got in and in a matter of seconds, he came out. i was so PISSED!!!!!! seriously. ugh! even now as i write bout thursday.... i can still feel the anger! ugh!
oh wells... i think all in all. that trip made us both closer to each other. we ended the day with tears and a DMC. it was good la. though it was full of different mixture of emotions. haha!
i would like to thank the car park attendant and the uncle-who-got-down-from-his-bike, thanks for giving us all the wrong directions. and to the staff of CIMB who-was-out-taking-his-cigarette-break, and the aunty who-was-walking-from-somewhere who finally has some sense of direction. they were all very nice people. didnt think we were suspicious ppl trying to rob them or something.
and to those who are still reading to this very point. thanks. ahha!
btw, today was the 3rd time we went down to kl. this time we went to the pavillion. cuz the forever21 in 1u sucks. so we had to make a last minute trip down to kl just to get my dress for kevin's cousin's wedding. and maybe christmas...? i told kevin that im gonna thank his cousin for his "good" sense of directions with a toast and a pour of soda down his shirt. hahha.. nah, just joking *angelic smile*
thanks babe for bringing me down to kl for a last minute shopping. rushed like crazy people. ahaa =)